Open positions
For students and researchers who are interested in our projects, please feel free to contact us [InfoEcol(at)]
Open positions
Master thesis projects at University of Neuchâtel (UniNe) 2025-2026
Archive: past projects
Postdoc positions available:
theoretical study on plant-insect chemical communication in ecological communities. Interested candidates are encouraged to reach out for more details!
2 PhD positions available! (Expired)
Research assistants (Hourly paid)
You will gain:
- Skills on collecting flower scent, measuring flower color
- Pollinator observations
- Nectar and pollen collection and chemical analysis
Student thesis/Semester project
1. Deciphering plant-insec communication
Potential projects involve with flower color, flower scent, nectar and pollen data, and plant-insect interaction network analyses.
2. Flower traits and pollination network of buchwheat
We will continue the project on buckwheat this year! Get in touch if you are interested in :)